The SPF indicates the length of time that your skin is protected from sunburn. All skin types are different and have varying results from sun exposure. The SPF number is only a guide to its level of protection
Depending on your skin type, location and the time of year, the time it takes for you to begin getting sunburnt varies.
To help you understand a bit better, if you start getting sunburnt after 5 minutes in the sun without any sunscreen, applying a sunscreen with an SPF30 would protect you for 30 x 5 minutes (or 150 minutes) before you start to burn.
There are some other factors that will also affect your level of
protection, such as:
- How much sunscreen you apply
- The weather conditions
- If you are wearing protective clothing, a hat, sunglasses
- How much you sweat
- How long you swim and how well you dry off afterwards
- Your skin type