Nivea Q10 understanding causes, prevention and treatment for wrinkles and fine lines

Understanding Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Why do we get wrinkles and how can we treat them? Discover what causes the different types of fine lines and wrinkles how to manage them with NIVEA.


No matter how consistent you are with your skin care routine, certain things happen to our bodies over time.
Wrinkles are perhaps one of the most obvious. Facial lines, crow’s-feet, laughter lines – they are all an expression of our lives that appear on our face over time.


Wrinkles are creases, folds or ridges that appear in the skin as we mature. They look a bit like the lines in the palm of our hands. It might not be what we want to hear, but wrinkles are a completely natural part of the ageing process.




Yes. While some of us will experience fine lines, or more prominent creases around the delicate eye areas, others will get those vertical lines in between the brow.
Wrinkles are most commonly found on our face, neck and arms, but can appear anywhere on our bodies.

The 7 main types of wrinkles

Here are the 7 most common types of wrinkles on the face:


1. Forehead Lines
Also known as forehead wrinkles, these are horizontal indentations that run across the top of our T-zone. They are most noticeable when we make certain facial expressions, such as lifting our eyebrows.


2. Frown Lines
Frown lines tend to develop between the eyebrows and create a shape that mimics the number 11. Repeated facial expressions like frowning can cause these to become more prominent over time.


3. Bunny Lines
These refer to the fine horizontal lines and tiny creases that appear on the bridge of our nose and either side when we wrinkle it, such as when we laugh or smile. These are an example of mimic wrinkles, which are among the first to appear due to repeated movements.


4. Crow’s-Feet
This is the term given to those fine lines that radiate from the outer corners of the eyes. They resemble the feet of a crow, hence the name, but are also known as ‘smile lines’ as they often form when we smile. The skin around the eyes is exceptionally thin, so these types of wrinkles can form fairly early.


5. Laughter Lines
As the name suggests, these lines appear on parts of the face that crease when we laugh. Known as nasolabial folds, these creases extend from both sides of our nose to the corners of our mouth. They can become more prominent and permanent as we age, especially if we smoke or don’t protect our skin from the sun.


6. Lip Lines
These small vertical wrinkles look slightly different for everyone but typically they form on both the lip and the skin above the upper lip. On the lips they often extend from one side of the mouth to the other.


7. Marionette Lines
As our skin loses its tightness, jowls and folds such as marionette lines can develop. Also called melomental folds, these are long vertical lines that start at the corners of the mouth and continue down to the chin and jawline. They can cause our mouth to look downturned like a marionette doll, hence the name.

What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles, creases and lines start to develop as the skin becomes thinner, drier and loses its elasticity over time. As we age, our body’s levels of collagen and elastin decrease. These are both proteins naturally found in the skin responsible for its firmness and elasticity.


Our facial expressions are a factor, too. Smiling, laughing, frowning, squinting and other repeated facial expressions cause small muscle contractions which can lead to fine lines and wrinkles developing when we are younger.


These lines can then deepen as we age and sometimes become a permanent feature on our face. This is largely because our skin springs back when we are younger, but as older skin has less flexibility, it loses its youthful bounce.



The folds or creases that appear fall into two categories:

  • Dynamic Wrinkles – These are ones caused by expressing emotions or repeated facial movements. For example, lip lines that may appear if we use a straw to drink often.
  • Static Wrinkles – These come from a loss of elasticity and tend to deepen with age. Examples of these are lines at the corner of the mouth and neck.

Over time dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles. One example is when our cheeks lose plumpness, fine smile lines can turn into more prominent folds.


Unfortunately, we can’t stop the ageing process or change certain factors like genetics, which inevitably have a part to play in wrinkles.
However, there are some lifestyle changes that we can adopt to help fight signs of new wrinkles and keep skin looking more youthful for longer.


NIVEA Q10 Dual Action Serum has been specifically formulated to help fight against signs of new wrinkles with Glycostop as well as minimise the appearance of wrinkles with our highest concentration of Q10.


Sun radiation damages the skin’s collagen, making it lose elasticity and drying it out, bearing in mind mature skin is naturally drier.


Too much sun exposure can prematurely age our skin. This is known as photoaging and differs from natural ageing, causing deep wrinkles along with tougher skin, freckles and skin discolouration.


Knowing how to protect your skin from sun damage is an easy step you can take to prevent this, including adopting good sunscreen habits. One easy habit involves adding a moisturiser with SPF into your morning skincare routine, so that you leave the house with a layer of protection.
Smoking is another culprit that causes rapid ageing. Healthy skin will constantly regenerate. However, smoking heavily reduces collagen production, and less collagen means more wrinkles. Increased facial lines around the mouth are tell-tale signs of smoking.


Unhealthy habits affect our skin’s texture and can speed up the ageing process. Eating a healthy balanced diet packed with Vitamin A and C and protein (poultry, fish, eggs and lean meats) are a good place to start. Add some regular daily exercise to boost circulation and reduce stress levels. 


Keeping our skin hydrated is always important. Be sure to drink enough water, and even try herbal teas which have antioxidants that can improve our skin in other ways. Try to avoid too much caffeine, as this can slow down the rate our bodies make collagen.


Our skin always thanks us for getting the recommended 8 hours sleep a night – or as close as possible.


While there is no cure to get rid of wrinkles for good, following an anti-ageing skincare routine will help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and give our skin a more youthful glow over time. As with any good skincare routine, cleansing and exfoliation are the best start:


To effectively target wrinkles, apply three pea-sized dots of an anti-ageing serum. Serums are typically lighter than creams and can penetrate deeper into the skin, helping the higher concentrations of active ingredients to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Try the new NIVEA Q10 Dual Action Serum to help fight signs of new wrinkles and visibly reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles.


Ageing skin is less able to protect itself from external damage, so choosing a really targeted moisturiser is even more important. Plus, moisturisation has the added benefit of locking in any serums or treatments applied beforehand.


NIVEA offers a range of day and night creams, of which some are formulated with active ingredients, such as Q10 and Hyaluronic Acid to target wrinkles effectively.


The new NIVEA Q10 Dual Action Serum is a light and fast-absorbing serum, formulated with Q10 and NIVEA's breakthrough ingredient, GLYCOSTOP, which helps fight signs of new wrinkles whilst also visibly reducing the appearance of even deep wrinkles.


NIVEA offers a wide range of anti-ageing skin care products that contain active ingredients including bakuchiol, hyaluronic acid, vitamins E, C, and A, and others. You can find out more in our article on preventing fine lines and wrinkles.



Wrinkles of course don’t actually need treatment. They are a painless, natural and beautiful sign of mature skin. You can choose to treat them if you don’t like the way they make your skin look or feel. Equally, you can embrace those laughter lines and eye crinkles for what they are – a reflection of a life expressed to the fullest.

Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process – as we age, our skin becomes thinner, drier, and loses its elasticity. The decrease in collagen and elastin levels in the skin contributes to the formation of wrinkles over time.


Different types of wrinkles exist: wrinkles can appear in various forms on different areas of the face. Common types include forehead lines, frown lines, crow's-feet, laughter lines, lip lines, and marionette lines.


While we cannot stop the ageing process or alter genetics, lifestyle changes can help prevent wrinkles and maintain more youthful-looking skin. Tips include using anti-ageing skincare products, protecting skin from sun damage, quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep.


While there is no permanent cure for wrinkles, following an anti-ageing skincare routine can help reduce their appearance and give the skin a more youthful glow. Particularly helpful ingredients include: Q10, hyaluronic acid, retinol, and new breakthrough GLYCOSTOP, to name a few. However, it's essential to remember that wrinkles are a natural and beautiful sign of a full life and do not necessarily need treatment if one chooses to embrace them.


what is the primary cause OF wrinkles?

Simply put, there are 5 main causes of wrinkles: ageing, exposure to UV light, smoking, repeated facial expressions, and one you may not be aware of – sugar. Although there’s nothing you can do to stop the ageing process, or prevent facial movements like smiling or laughing, you can protect yourself from the sun and follow a healthy lifestyle that includes not smoking. And, when it comes to reducing expression wrinkles (as well as eye wrinkles), the best approach is to wear sunglasses outside to avoid squinting in the sun and find the right skincare to prevent sugar damage.

What is the best routine for wrinkles?

There are a few easy tips anyone can follow to prevent wrinkles, including:

  • Protecting your skin from the sun (with sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and protective clothing).
  • Using NIVEA Q10 Dual Action Serum with breakthrough GLYCOSTOP and Q10.
  • Using a facial moisturiser daily to keep skin hydrated from the surface, like NIVEA Q10 Anti Wrinkle Day and Night Creams, as well as NIVEA Targeted Wrinkle Filler Serum.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: eating a well-balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise, drinking water, and avoiding smoking.

What is the best TREATMENT OR PRODUCT for wrinkles?

NIVEA Q10 Dual Action Serum, with breakthrough ingredient, GLYCOSTOP and NIVEA’s highest concentration of Q10, along with NIVEA Anti Wrinkle Day and Night Creams can help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles.