Best Eye Cream
 Taking care of the skin around your eyes is very important as it can help prevent wrinkles and dark circles from forming under the eye.
Why Eye Cream is Important
Our eyes have a major influence on how we appear to others. That’s why the sensitive skin around our eyes needs extra intensive care. Compared to other areas of the face, it is very thin and extremely sensitive. There are almost no sebaceous glands or supportive fatty tissue, meaning that the skin here reacts more strongly to external environmental influences: dry air, sunlight, as well as a lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet, can lead to wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.
We blink up to 10,000 times a day and our facial expressions also leave their mark on our skin. Fine lines or laughter lines can be gently reduced with the right care products.
NIVEA eye creams are expertly formulated to ensure the skin around the eyes is soft, smooth and well hydrated. As the skin around the eyes is more sensitive than the rest of the face, it is important to use a product unique to the eyes for the best results. Our eye creams are formulated to be the best eye creams for fighting signs of ageing, reducing the appearance of crow's feet and laughter lines.